1. Delicious peas and American cheese.

Someone has some seriously messed-up taste buds.
2. Vegetable soup, just add a little water.

Ah yes, the ‘mystery can’ meals. Oh, the memories (shudder).
3. A staple food that was put on the map by college students.

College students would be wise to buy stock in ramen, true story.
4. PBJ baby!

Sometimes you can’t beat the classics.
5. Your new best friend in school.

There are a lot of different variations that you can create, so get used to it.
6. Your best friend topped with your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th best friends.

Think of your jaw, then your stomach, and then how much time you’ll be spending in the bathroom. It’s a process, just think about it.
7. The burnt fish sticks fresh off your generic George Foreman grill.

Just call it Cajun style and move on, it’s better than having to hang your head in shame.
8. No it is not, but 6 tubes sure do the job.

Sometimes you’ve got to move and eat, and balancing a plate of eggs or anything else while you move around is for acrobats, not the average person.
9. The TV dinner that looks nothing like what was on the packaging.

Frozen lumps, that might have been a nice and accurate name for these blocks of multi-colored ice.
10. Garlic cheese bread.

When you’re hungry, just about anything looks appetizing.
11. Another one of those TV dinners.

They get you with the picture and then laugh all the way to the bank as you’re trying to eat.
12. The experience that turned into a fu@king disaster.

Is anyone else thinking that if this pile moves they’re out?
13. Thanksgiving dinner.

It’s hard to tell if this is a budgetary decision or a hipster trend.
14. Fish “stick” tacos

There are things that don’t go in tacos, and I’ll fight anyone that says different.
15. And last, the go-to Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes TV dinner.

You know what this looks like, don’t make me say it.
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
Normally I wouldn’t say that this is Radass in any way, but having been through those times and having survived, I can laugh along with many others now. If you’re in college and putting your money toward what you need instead of what you want all the time, then you’ve likely found yourself facing the options on this list, or something like them. Oh yeah, the struggle is real.