However it happens, a face plant off of a moving device, or those that are incurred just because this powerful force called gravity forces us to give the earth a big, sloppy, full-face kiss, can hurt like hell and definitely leave a mark. But as most people already know, they’re kind of funny when they’re not happening to you. Oh hell, I’ll say it, they’re funny so long as no one gets seriously hurt.

Granted, some of these looked kind of staged and made for effect, but there were others that looked as though they were about to hurt in a big way. The face plant is one of the worst falls as many might agree, but if you snickered and even laughed your way through this, then don’t feel too bad, we did too. As long as it’s not your pain, it has a chance to be funny, right? Here’s hoping that all these folks came out okay, but damn, a lot of those were hilarious.