Politicians Caught With Prostitutes.
Politicians and sex workers are said to have a lot of common. They both have underhanded and seedy dealings on a daily basis to get their jobs done. So then it’s no surprise that so many major politicians are caught with their pants down, so to speak, in the company of prostitutes. The idea that politicians are often at coke-filled parties with their arms around a hooker or two is so prevalent, but surprisingly few politicians have ever been caught with prostitutes. Even fewer have been arrested. The number of politicians who have actually served time for soliciting sex is extremely low.
Before he was an infamous talk show host known mostly for his scandalous guests, Jerry Springer was a city councilman from Cincinnati. During that time, he had scandal of his own including a prostitute in a health club in 1974. When this information was revealed, he resigned from office immediately. That didn’t stop him from running unsuccessfully for governor in 1982.
Some of the politicians, solely men, who have been caught with prostitutes are lonely men looking for the company of women or men. Other times the scandal is wrapped around an abuse of power and sick sex crimes. A few of the cases of politicians caught with sex workers have included anti-gay, married men in the company of male prostitutes. Undercover police officers are also often in the equation.
Which politicians have been caught with prostitutes? This list at RANKER features the biggest sex scandals in political history that included sex workers.