So, who’s up for a game of political ping pong? It’s pretty easy to play since all you’ve got to do is realize that neither side is really hitting the nail on the head and lob memes back and forth. In reality, this is actually all that really gets done in government most times which makes it even funnier given that the USA claims to be the greatest country in the world despite not being able to get their stuff together for the longest time. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a greater place than a lot of people might want to admit, but it’s a place that just like anywhere else, a person has to actually work to get what they want instead of always bringing up the past and reminding folks of what their ancestors didn’t have. So here we go, SERVICE!
Politics and politicians are easy targets, but they kind of make themselves that way.
Let’s be honest, people that stand up and promise things to their constituents while they’re mentally crossing their fingers aren’t rare in any political arena. Some might want to disagree, but who gets to lead and who has the most pull comes down to a popularity contest and a lot of that is dependent on whose the slickest and who has the gift of gab. The funny thing is that neither Trump nor Biden had that gift since Trump repeated himself continually and Biden can barely get a sentence out. So how the hell did THAT happen? There are plenty of people who have their own explanation for it, but barring any obvious conspiracy theories, there are a few reasons that make sense but aren’t wise to say aloud.
Do you know what people really want? A government that works FOR them.
It’s the truth, and it’s what a lot of people don’t want to hear. The government was set in place to SERVE the people, not be served BY them. It’s an interesting concept that a lot of politicians tend to forget at times as they focus on calling out one side or the other for their nonsense and acting as righteous and upright as they can. One might think some of them would come out in capes and bulging muscles if the only muscle they didn’t work out so often were their wagging tongues. But hey, the people put them into position to have them talk down to them. That sounds a bit counterintuitive really, like assigning your parents the duty of brow-beating you for issues that they’re supposed to be handling. But oh well, I’ll be over here watching the scuffle for power and influence with Netflix on the TV, a bottle of beer in one hand, and the remote in the other. Now that’s how you watch the news.
One final note…
When you have the chance, just think for yourself. It’s so much more relaxing than trying to pick a side. But if you must pick a side, then grab a dartboard, slap a picture like the one below on it, close your eyes, and toss.
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
Seriously, think for yourself, and if you follow one side or the other, make certain that it’s YOUR opinion fueling your direction, not just something you’ve heard that was popular and can help you fit in with the crowd you want to belong to. Make up your own damn minds Radasser’s!