There aren’t a lot of people that will deny that it’s tough to keep to your diet when the holidays come around since candy, cookies, other baked goods, and basically, just FOOD tends to become the order of each day as soon as Halloween season rolls along. Unfortunately, the intake of sweets isn’t bound to help you keep your diet in line and it’s easy to see how a lot of people would gladly sacrifice their diet just to enjoy themselves for a couple of months. But as anyone would be able to tell you, there are a lot of those who will promise to go right back on their diet as soon as the first of the year hits.
Not only is this a load of bull with some folks, but it’s also not entirely healthy to do so since bouncing your system from a keto diet to enjoying yourself for a couple of months, and then back to the strict diet you were on isn’t exactly healthy. Imagine being flung up and down in a cartoon elevator a few times, then you might have an inkling of what your system is going through. We’ve already started out discussing what supplements such as Keto GT and other keto-friendly supplements can do for you, but the key element in any keto diet is the person that’s putting themselves through it. There are a few things you can do once the holidays are over and it’s time to get back to your diet.
Don’t try to perfect your keto diet.
Here’s a quick tip, you’re not perfect. If that’s a revelation then it’s about time someone told you, but if you pick up on it quicker than that, then you might have been struggling to perfect your keto game and have found that it’s easier said than done. That’s okay, a lot of people find ways to cheat slightly on their diet, and believe it or not, that’s pretty normal. Even if you have the willpower to keep with it and deny yourself the kind of foods that you really want, there’s a good chance that you’re doing something or eating something that doesn’t vibe entirely with a keto diet. Want to know what do to when this happens?

- Relax: No one is perfect, especially when it comes to a diet. If you want to argue and state that those with ‘perfect’ bodies are the contradiction, then keep this in mind. They suffer a bit for their diet as well, since dieting is a matter of balancing and being relaxed in mind as well as body.
- Cheating a little doesn’t make you a bad person: It makes you human, and a little enjoyment now and then perfectly acceptable. The holidays are about enjoying yourself with family and friends, so live a little and don’t worry about your waistline as much.
- Denying yourself food isn’t always healthy: As much as cravings might lead you down the path to all the stuff your keto diet doesn’t allow, you should feel free to follow them from time to time. It doesn’t mean you need to stuff yourself until you’re sick, it just means that you can enjoy something that’s not good for you in large amounts now and then.

Seriously, don’t be afraid to enjoy the holidays just because you think it will ruin your diet.
Draw up a game plan for a keto reboot…using Keto Reboot.

Whether you’re going into your first experience with keto or you’re heading back into it, Keto Reboot can help you out by, wait for it, rebooting your system in order to adjust to the keto lifestyle. If you’re firmly set on going back to your diet after the holidays, then good on you. It does take a lot of dedication to stick with anything that your body doesn’t always want, so having a plan in place that will help you get back into the swing of it could help. There are just a couple of things to remember.
- Plans can be disrupted: Even the best laid plans with every conceivable setback planned and accounted for can go haywire, so if something does happen to upset the plan, and you’re not ready for it, don’t panic, just roll with it as best as you can and adjust.
- Don’t make the plan too complicated: Simplicity is key in a lot of things, and when it comes to your diet you don’t want to give yourself a migraine by planning out some convoluted course that will have your head spinning when it comes time to figure it out.
Have a plan, but know how to adapt if the plan doesn’t go the way you expected.
Set goals you can achieve without too much difficulty.

Getting back to your diet is a goal, shedding any unwanted pounds that you acquired during the holidays is a goal, and they’re both easy enough to attain if you keep them in mind and don’t complicate them any further. Some folks can handle complicated and insanely frustrating plans, but others are a little less accepting of such methods. If you have a goal in mind then keep it simple and attain it before moving on to the next one. Remember:
- A goal that’s too difficult can be stressful: Say you set a goal and then don’t achieve it? This tends to stress a lot of people out and to be fair, a diet shouldn’t be that stressful since even if you’re shedding the pounds, you might be doing it in a way that is far more harmful than it needs to be. Remember that stress can damage a body just as much as anything, and introducing too much of it is never a good idea.
- Start simply and then get more complicated: The KISS method ( Keep It Simple Stupid) is still applicable to this day since it’s one of the smartest ways to go about anything in this world and it often works There’s not much more explanation needed to be fair.
It’s good to have goals, but make sure you can reach them first, then set them higher.
Do NOT quit carbs altogether.
People tend to think that carbs are the enemy, and to be fair they’re not exactly your friend all the time, but if you’re already eating the good fats, are on a keto diet, and are able to abstain from eating a high-carb diet, then that’s fine. But don’t go cutting them out entirely. Long story short, cutting out carbs can:
- cause a serious nutrient deficiency
- cause fatigue
- cause constipation
Carbs are a needed part of your diet, even when on a keto diet, since they do help to keep you regular and balanced. Cutting them out entirely is one of the worst things that a person could do.
Whatever you do, always remain hydrated.

This shouldn’t even be a question since most people would see it as a necessary thing to stay hydrated as much as possible whether they’re on a diet or not. But believe it or not, there are plenty of people that don’t appear to care much or know much about being hydrated, and they end up suffering for it. Something that’s such a common requirement to the human body is pretty easy to remember, but to think that those that have been on a keto diet might forget is kind of ludicrous. But hey, it happens.
Try a more sustainable version of the keto diet.
Believe it or not, this diet might not work for everyone, as I’ve said more than once since starting to talk about keto. But some folks are bound and determined to make it work for them. There’s nothing to say that every part of a keto diet won’t work for someone, but it could be that there’s a different way to go about it that might work for one person when another way won’t. There are more ways to go on the keto diet than people might think, and finding the right way for each person is kind of important since it helps to attain the goals that people set, which in turn can boost their confidence in a big way.
As I said above, the holidays are a tough time for a lot of people when it comes to sticking to a diet, especially since denying oneself the many different delicacies that are on display this time of year is insanely tough, and even feels a bit sadistic at times. Those that stick to their diets, more power to you, there’s no doubt that you have the will to make it happen. But for the rest of us, don’t worry too much, but don’t go rushing back to the diet once the holidays are over. Take it slowly, ease your way back into it, and you might find that it’s easy to slip back into the habit than you might have thought. Your body tends to make up its own mind when it comes to getting back in shape.
We don’t want to see anyone miss out on the holidays due to their diets, no matter if the keto diet is working for you and has produced great results. This time of year is for enjoying the sweets and goodies that are as much a part of the holiday as everything else. Don’t be a glutton, but don’t feel that you need to stick to your guns every day, just let yourself enjoy what you can and make a goal to work it off when the holidays are over. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Radasser’s!