The general consensus at this time appears to be a giant “huh?” from society.
Out of all the big names that have been named over the years and the feuds that have arisen between one notable celebrity and another, this one kind of takes the cake at the moment. Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg…is this a real thing? That’s a standard question in a moment like this since a lot of people are scratching their heads and trying to figure out why either one of these individuals would bother to step inside a cage with each other unless they were trying to find a way to make it better or more entertaining for the millions and billions that love to know what they’re up to. But there’s the rub, stepping into the cage DOES apparently get people interested, even if it’s two men who have no business being in there in the first place. Say what you want though, it does feel like a lot of people are going to be tuning in to see which billionaire is bound to show up and show out. Asking people who they’ve got and why is bound to be an interesting question for the next few days.
The top question of course is “This is for real?”
As it’s already been announced, this is very real, and even Dana White of the UFC has been quoted saying that these two men want to step into the octagon and make this happen. Of course, a lot of people aren’t going to believe this until the first punch is thrown since the ridiculous nature of it kind of begs the question of why it would happen in the first place. There’s something about a rocket that was supposed to be taking a satellite into orbit and things went bad and…stuff. But if it was over that, then…it still wouldn’t make sense. Right now it feels as though this is one giant ‘gotcha’ moment that’s waiting to be sprung on a lot of people who are trying to gauge the reaction of the person next to them when it comes to whether or not they’ll buy into it. The rest of us are, well, just sitting back and waiting to laugh.
Is it about vanity?
There’s no denying that both men know a thing or two about vanity, somehow. Both look like they were likely the least popular men in school when they were younger, but a lot of us know how that goes as we grow up. Right? But with most of the jokes aside at this time, it does feel as though being worth billions of dollars has managed to escalate the vanity of both men to such a degree that they’ve forgotten one thing: they’re not fighters. Success and money are very amazing tools when it comes to believing in yourself since it feels fair to say that if these men had neither then they might not even think about stepping outside most days, at least not with chests puffed up like proud peacocks.
Next question: Who are people betting on?
It doesn’t take much to pump either man up since all that needs to be done is show them in a picture that people can believe, and people will believe. Yeah, that was a lame way to build it up, but so are most of the PR campaigns that have been used to build up either man. It’s true, great things have been accomplished, but this doesn’t stand to be one of them since if they do come to blows, one can’t help but think that Zuckerberg’s training might not mean much since once again, he’s not a fighter.
It’s obvious, if anyone’s looking, that Zuckerberg has a slight edge since he’s younger and has obviously been training. But with the news that former UFC champion George St. Pierre announcing via Twitter that he’d like to train Elon Musk, well, that edge might be reduced a little. Would it make that much of a difference? Many would no doubt say that Musk is disciplined enough and in decent enough shape to benefit from GSP’s guidance. But then again, age and experience don’t always beat out youthful exuberance.
The predicted loser isn’t who you think
That’s just it, the losers won’t be standing in the cage, the losers will be the ones cheering, jeering, and placing bets on which one of these tech giants will come out with his fist raised. Get that? The losers are those who have been building these men up for so many years and making them out to be greater than they are. Sure, they’re intelligent, and sure, they’ve created something that many people love, but so did the guy who invented the pet rock. So did the person who invented the toothbrush. How many accolades do they get these days? The birth of social media has made fame such a prized thing to hold onto that two people who might not have been known to even half of those that talk about them these days are now two of the most powerful and famous people in the world. Heck with it, we lost when they became famous.
Celebrities and their feuds are cute
Remember back in 2019 when Justin Bieber wanted to fight Tom Cruise? The kid thought he could take a guy that had been training for his movies, REAL training mind you, and it turned out to be little more than a hoax. What’s to say this challenge won’t be? The UFC isn’t above hosting a spectacle after all, since it’s only a couple of steps away from becoming another version of the WWE. Dana White follows anything that will make money, and when the match involves two individuals that are worth more than White has ever dealt with before, well, it’s fair to say that the dollar signs will lead the way.
In the end, it’s a publicity stunt
Even if they do get in the ring one can bet that a lot of this is simply to get more attention for Meta or Twitter or SOMETHING. It’s already been proven more than once that Mark and Elon are out to be as famous as they can be, but one has to wonder why in the world they would want to climb in a ring and beat each other senseless. Well, it’s not so much of a wonder as it is a question of who they think they’re fooling. Even if it does happen, which is apparently bound to be the case, it’s still not tracking in a manner that many people can fully comprehend.
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
Celebrities do some odd things, that’s for certain. But trying to take each on in a wrestling ring is enough to warrant an eye roll. Taking each other on in a cage where men and women routinely beat and batter each other bloody? Look, you can already see the PPV numbers rising…