You’ll like ’em or you won’t, so Happy Freakin’ Valentine’s Day
You smooth-tongued devil you.
Something tells me this brought a tear to the lady’s eye.
Cat: Do you mind human? I’m tryin’ to get my tan on for my lady!
This is the last thing a lady should want to see on Valentine’s, but it’s the thought that counts.
….and then deny it entirely.
$1,000 to get to Dick City? Someone’s a pricey ride.
I guess when there’s nothing else…
That almost sounds like the reverse of what some guys want.
Well, to be fair, if they’re still in the pan, they might be WELDED to the pan.
I like how you think.
If your significant other hands you this note, RUN to the bedroom.
You kind of need to be a Tarantino fan or a meme lord for this one.
Some women would respond to that, believe it.
Hey, it’s straight to the point.
You have a way with words.
You have learned well young padawan.
I think I felt a tear…
Some guys aren’t cut out for Valentine’s Day.
I’m kind of impressed, but not all the way.
Boobs for pizza…sounds fair.
How the hell is someone supposed to take this?
This is awkward, but cute, kinda.
What a way to end…metaphorically speaking.
Next thing you’ll tell them is that they’re lucky to have you.
It’s an effort, right?
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
This is one of those days when you really want those words to be as accurate as you can when expressing yourself. There are times when you might want to think them through and then say them aloud though, just sayin’.