Avril Lavigne Fires a Shot at Mark Zuckerberg For Dissing Nickelback In Video
Mark Zuckerberg has a new artificial intelligence platform, JARVIS, a competitor to Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa. On Zuckerberg’s personal Youtube account, he posted a promotional video in which he asks Jarvis to “play us some good Nickelback songs.” Jarvis, voiced by Morgan Freeman in the video, replies with a snarky joke: “I’m sorry Mark, I’m afraid I can’t do that. There are no good Nickelback songs.” To which Zuckerberg responds “Good. That was actually a test.”
Avril Lavigne, ex-wife of Nickelback’s lead singer Chad Kroeger takes to twitter to defend Nickelback’s honor. LOOOOOOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH…
I never thought I’d say this but I’m going to have to agree with Miss Complicated on this one. What does Mark Zuckerberg know about music? Nickelback has sold over 50 million albums in their day and although they are at the butt end of plenty of jokes, you can’t deny their success. I know tons of people, myself included, who would consider Nickelback to be a guilty pleasure of theirs. Who doesn’t love belting out Photograph in their best Chad Kroeger voice over a couple of beers? C’mon Zuck. Leave the poor man alone and go back to your computer.