You Radasses are quite raunchy, and we know it. Maybe these days our social lives are just not as rich, and we aren’t as active in „hunting“ for good booty-call material in a club, but we all know that one-night stands keep happening. You hit it off with a girl – you are both a little (or a lot) drunk, and she looks like a sex goddess with those moves; you go to her (or your) place, have a wild night (at least as you can recall) and it all seems to intoxicating and fun, and then you fall asleep. Oh, and then you wake up. That’s the moment when the harsh reality seeps in.
„Where in the world am I, and what happened to that beauty from the club? Was I really that bad in bed, or is it just my weird, alcohol-hazed memory? How do I get out of here fast? Oh shit, she is awake.“
This meme video shows how things might play off in our heads sometimes. It makes us laugh and cry simultaneously – all those meaningless one-night stands. We are pigs sometimes, aren’t we? However, after all that quarantine, this video is the accurate representation of our ‘love lives’, isn’t it? Ah, the good times!
WTR – Why’s That Radass?
One-night-stands can be pretty rad, and it’s the truth. What’s not rad about being spontaneously nakey-nakey with (what seemed to be) a hot chick, or a guy, for that matter? Uncertainty of the encounter and excitement are as fun as it can get. However, even the awkwardness we feel afterwards is worth it. Some of you might try it and swear they won’t do it ever again. Some will love the edge of it and gladly come back to chasing that feeling. Regardless, it can be one of the coolest awkward memories.