Ricky Jackson became a free man after 39 years in prison.
Judge Richard McMonagle threw out his conviction on a 1975 murder at a Cleveland grocery store based on a lie by then 12-year-old Eddie Vernon. Vernon recanted his story this week which led to the granting of a re-trial. The state decided to dismiss the case instead of going back to trial. As Ricky left the court house he was asked questions by reports as expected. The one question that sticks out in my mind is how he felt about Eddie Vernon. With an optimistic and humble attitude Ricky says he holds no hard feelings. He wishes Eddie a good life. Ricky says Eddie was a 12 year old boy in 1975 who was manipulated and used by the police to get a conviction. He goes on to say Eddie had to carry a burden around for 39 years just like he did. Ricky showed nothing but gratitude as he spoke and walked out the doors of the court house to his new found freedom. Imagine how much the world has changed since he was last a free man. I wish this good man the absolute best!