Dads always have your back wanting to make sure you look your best!
Dads want you to grow up and be a real man.
Dads are always willing to let you sleep in.
Dads are always proud of your accomplishments.
Dads always give the best advice.
Dads are always the best drinking buddy.
Dads can be dorks but we still love them.
Dads always try to fit in.
Dads cook when moms not around.
Dads are always there to support you.
Dads can be sassy too.
Ok, Dads are still dorks and we still love them.
Dads power nap and we can get away with anything.
Dads know how to make their little girls feel like a princess.
Dads are heartwarming in their own ways.
And sometimes Dads are the super hero.
Dads will play along with most anything.