Is Kim Jong Un The Mastermind Behind The Biggest Bank Heist In History?
While it has been established that North Korea can’t successfully launch a missile to save their lives, they might have just pulled off the biggest bank heist in history.
U.S. federal investigators uncovered evidence that has them suspecting that the culprit of the massive bank heist is North Korea. Last year, thieves pulled off a remarkable cyberheist and stole $81 million from accounts for Bangladesh’s central bank at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Investigators noticed similarities in the code used in the theft and the code used in the hacking attack on Sony Pictures in December 2014 according to
New York Post-
In the theft, the hackers, apparently using a global payment messaging system known as Swift, were able to cause the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to release money from the Bangladeshi bank’s accounts.
Most of the requests were rejected by officials after they apparently noticed irregularities, but a reported $81 million was released.
The money was allegedly laundered through banks in the Philippines, eventually making into the hands of North Koreas chubby dictator. We have no idea what if the U.S will come after their money since that would likely lead to serious military intervention. Hopefully Kim Jong Un uses his stolen money to feed is starving population, but more likely he will blow it all on shitty missiles that will splash into the Sea of Japan.