Nordstrom Selling Jeans Made to Look Like They’re Covered in Mud… And People are Buying Them
Let me start this by telling you how opposed I am to purchasing jeans that have been distressed or torn up in any way. Call me old fashioned, but I’m standing by this one.
Why on earth would you buy pants with holes in them? Now that you know how I feel about jeans I think we can agree that Nordstrom putting 425$ jeans on their shelf is ridiculous.
You: Capitalism! Free market!!
Me: Nordstrom is selling jeans with fake mud for $425 while people are starving.
You: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
— Tommy Tighe (@theghissilent) April 25, 2017
Thankfully the fake mud on those $425 jeans didn’t obscure the label.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 25, 2017
I see your Nordstrom mud jeans and exterior bra outfit and raise you one badass zipper suit. Take that! @Phil_Lewis_ @elisefoley
— billypollina (@billypollina) April 25, 2017