Beautiful women belong to every possible social class they can, so nerds aren’t about to be left out, especially since there are so many different ways to nerd out and be noticed. The nerds of this world are plentiful as you may or may not have noticed, and their voices are heard every single day by those of us that happen to like nerding out with them. Sometimes though, when the female nerds start speaking up and speaking out, us guys can’t help but find ourselves speechless since one little pose can say more than a lot of our words ever could. Or rather, those poses say enough to make our male brains misfire, causing us to forget what it was we were just about to…to…where was I going with this?
Oh hell, bring on the nerdy babes.
Cosplay, because of course…duh.
Admit it, when a sexy woman, nerd or not, gets dressed up in a tight-fitting outfit to act as a favorite character for a comic convention, your clothes get a little tight as well. Okay, so it’s just your pants, but it counts. Women that love dressing up as their favorite characters are those that we tend to prize a little more since they have that kind of need to express themselves and look great while doing it. Granted, a lot of women choose to wear less revealing costumes either because of the characters they like or because, well, they might not be quite as confident. But our hats are off to the ladies like those below that know what they’re working with.
It’s insanely sexy to see good-looking women getting dressed up and embracing their inner and/or outer nerd since not only does this denote a great deal of confidence and passion, it’s well-known that a lot of video game and comic characters tend to wear very tight clothing. Hey, it’s the truth.
It doesn’t matter if the costumes are simple or incredibly detailed, they end up looking awesome on those that know how to make them work. It does make a guy wish that he had the good luck of being hooked up with one of these many women that are not only into pop culture but are willing to help promote it.
Okay, I’m with you guys, this one is just worthy of staring at for a while.
One thing you kind of do need to think about with anyone that likes a character like Harley Quinn is if they’re that invested in the character and enjoy acting like her behind closed doors, or if she’s just a fan and is as timid as she might look when the makeup is off. What fun would that be though?
I did mention something about hump day, right?
Nerdy girls get to experience hump day as well, maybe not in the way you guys are thinking (don’t lie, you were thinking exactly what I’m implying) but like everyone else they need something to get them over the hump from time to time. Yeah, us guys need it as well, so maybe these pictures below will help.
It’s tempting, isn’t it? You might want to get your wife or girlfriend something like this, but you can bet that there’s a decent chance that they might not wear it or that even if you spoke the word ‘friend’ that they might not be in the mood. Who knows though?
Just imagine if your nerdy friend came to school wearing this? Yes, I mean your female nerdy friend. Could you contain yourselves?
Hey, there are those women that do like guys with bigger-than-normal medulla oblongata’s, so all is not lost.
Now, does she look like she’s ready to talk about string theory, or about how fast you undress her with your eyes? Oh, that was horrible, but intriguing all the same…
Now, picture her doing jumping jacks…eh, eh?
Time to fill those cups.
I just remembered I did mention something in the caption about filling cups, which nerdy girls can definitely do since it doesn’t matter if you’re nerdy, you’re body is going to fill out as it wants to, and in ways that are going to get a person all kinds of attention.
Oh, there are so many jokes to be made, but I’ll be polite for now. After all, even nerdy girls like gentlemen, sometimes.
Everyone needs a study break now and then, but it might be tough to get back to the books with a study partner like this around. Or maybe one could wait until the studying was over and done with and consider it a reward for being such a good partner.
It’s hard to form the words right now, so maybe looking is the better option.
Then there are those nerdy girls you wouldn’t mess with, but still want to hang with, and more if they let you.
Nerdy girls can be tough too, and I do think that I’d prefer that. How about you?
This look reminds me of a music video, but I’ll be danged if I remember which one.
This is always Radass since the idea of embracing your inner nerd and letting it loose for a while, or all the time if you fancy that, is what we practice and preach here at If you have a style that you want people to see, then show it. If it’s nerdy and you love it, then do that stuff. Do we find nerdy girls hot? Hell yes, we do. Do we think that they can do anything they want? You’re damned right. Are they just as nice to look at? If you really need to ask that then you need to scroll up and look some more. I’ll be down here, sitting with my thoughts. And don’t you dare ask if I use my right or left hand for that. Stay classy Radasser’s.
1 comment
I had this article bookmarked a while ago but my PC crashed. I have since gotten a new one and it took me a while to locate this! I also in fact like the design though.