This Halloween Candy Prank Never Gets Old
As a kid, Halloween candy is the best part of October. Forget the costumes, it’s all about satisfying that out-of-control sweet tooth.
But when you have evil parents that tell you they ate all your candy and ruin the entire Halloween experience, well, I can see how that might be upsetting. And also hilarious.
Jimmy Kimmel is the ultimate kid prankster, has been asking parents to prank their kids about stealing their Halloween candy for six years now… And it just keeps getting better.
And the kids who hit their parents and throw annoying scream fits…well there’s a special place in timeout for those kids.
I think a great spin-off of this would be Christmas themed. Can you imagine these little brats coming down the stairs and not seeing ANY presents?
“Santa thinks you’re a POS, sorry kids.” Now, that’s some comedy I would love to see.