Can The Government See Your Dick-Pics You Put On The Internet?
Well according to Edward Snowden, YES they can, but he doesn’t think you should stop putting on there. He says you shouldn’t change your behavior because a government agency is doing the wrong thing.
The FISA amendments act of 2008 which section 702 falls under allows the bulk collection of Internet communications that are one-end foreign. If you have your email somewhere like Gmail, it’s hosted on servers overseas or transferred overseas or anytime crosses over the borders of the United States: your junk ends up in the database.
You don’t have to be sending your dick to a German. Even if you send it to somebody within the United States your — wholly domestic — communication between you and your wife can go from New York to London and back and get caught up in the database.
Executive Order 12333 is what the NSA uses when the other authorities aren’t aggressive enough or they’re not catching as much as they’d like.
When you send your junk through Gmail for example: that’s stored on Google’s servers. Google moves data from datacenter to datacenter — invisibly to you, without your knowledge. Your data could be moved outside of the borders of the United States temporarily when your junk was passed by Gmail the NSA caught a copy of that.