The Feminine Care Aisle Is No Joke For Dads
Like any good dad, mine would do anything for me just to make sure I’m happy.
But when I’m on my period and it feels like someone is stabbing my uterus with a sword, my dad stays the hell away from my hormonal raging ass, like any smart man would.
Unfortunately for one girl’s dad, he had the chance of a lifetime to buy his daughter maxi-pads and just about lost his freakin mind.
Of all the shit daughters put their dads through, this probably makes like #3 on the Worst Things to Ask Your Dad For, Ever list. It’s cruel and unusual punishment.
I’m surprised there hasn’t been a campaign started against this. “Don’t Make Dads Buy Pads” has a nice ring.
awkward tampon guy
I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen a dad walk down the feminine care aisle, but I would imagine it looks a lot like an uncomfortable panic attack. This conversation between daughter and father explains what happens pretty well and it’s hilarious.
“Always what?” Classic.
I can sense the immense amount of anxiety this poor man is having and I can’t help but laugh. I’m sure it’s not easy being a parent, but come on dad, PULL IT TOGETHER.
You know it’s bad when your daughter has to give you a pep talk.
Imagine if she had said yes to smelling the pads.
Honestly, Satan is probably the most accurate thing to call your daughter on her period.
Kudos to you, dad.
And alright, now I know what you’re probably thinking:
real men buy pads
But dads just shouldn’t have to.