You can’t unsee bad tattoos.
There are some tattoos you might want to think twice about.
Some ideas are best left as ideas.
There are reasons why portraits are not always the best idea.
You like weed and boobs, great, find a sticker that says that.
This is a design that someone should have looked at twice.
It’s like a failed attempt at Ghost Rider.
Okay…there’s a decent base…did you run out of money?
Whatever you do, be original.
It’s not the worst, but it’s definitely not that original.
You owe Michael Jordan an apology.
Yeah, I got a problem with you showing me your ass.
Has the artist ever seen an actual skull?
This feels like the canvas might have been making a statement.
Some ideas look like decent starts.
I mean, you can at least tell what they were going for.
The artist owes a LOT of people an apology.
Seriously getting The Walking Dead vibes, or Dawn of the Dead.
Not too bad, but it looks like a 4-year old colored it in.
Even the Joker has to worry about gingivitis.
It’s curious how something can be good and bad at the same time.
One the page it looks fine, but on the canvas it looks like Cap’s leg isn’t attached.
Oh…no…just no…
Sometimes it’s easy to think that the artist is just doing this to get paid.
Looks like she has lipstick on her teeth, permanently.
It’s easy to get the feeling that people built up Tupac just a LITTLE too much.
Do you think the artists cringe when people ask for certain things?
I think across her waist would have been better.
Bodily proportions need to be observed.
Ah, the 90s comic look.
Tats like this make a person think that the artist is just trying to get done.
This could have been cool if not for the face.
Get ready for a face-palm.
I don’t even know what you were going for, but you failed.
You owe a culture and religion a big apology.
It’s not the worst, but the Beatles might not agree.
Um, what?
Sadly, I could make a story out of this.
And then things get grim.
I think Odie, or John, had enough of Garfield’s shit.
I’s cute.
The lines are crisp enough, but damn.
You think you’re making a point, but it’s just confusing.
Why, oh why, oy vey.
It’s like people don’t really know what they’re doing.
I mean, it’s a good tattoo.
Somehow, this should have been better.
You’ve got issues, and that tattoo is just one of them.
Everyone has their thing.
Okay, did everyone need to know?
Some people probably shouldn’t get tattoos.
Portraits are just bad news, seriously.
Yes, we get it.
Some of these feel like people lost a bet.
I mean, if that’s the only six pack you’re going to have.
There are just too many questions.
You get the feeling she’s hanging out the welcome sign?
If you’re a butcher this would be handy.
Ah, yes, irony.
Um, why?
So that’s what the beach looks like on acid.
This feels like it has meaning…somehow.
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
All you can do when you see a bad tattoo is either not notice, or smile and nod. The fact that people are proud of these is cringe-worthy, but it’s not worth the argument that comes with it. Just be nice and shake your head when they’re not there.