How do I put it nicely? Oh, right, I don’t…
If you don’t get a kick out of these you might need to check your pulse.
Practicing your mouth stretches sounds so wrong.
Is this prep work for later?
Some things just aren’t as impressive as you think.
You don’t fall asleep at parties, and this is why.
Are you willing to deal with what’s up top to get at the rest of her?
At some point it would just get weird.
It takes a special kind of man.
I guess they need to practice every now and then.
She’s definitely been upstaged.
How high is this woman right now?
Why is there a carrot there?
So is this why the dishes have a faint odor of seafood?
Some ladies remind us that guys aren’t that bad after all.
I mean, I’m not mad about it…
Does this make you uncomfortable? Do you care?
And men are the sick ones, right?
There’s a point to this, but I’ll be danged If I know what.
This is empowering?
At some point you stop asking why, or how, or even what.
A new pizza topping?
Are there guys that fall for this?
When karaoke kicks off, three drinks in and counting.
You might be regretting that intrusion in a minute.
I’d say it’s tit for tat, but um…yeah, it’s just sad.
Women don’t like to be called crazy…but I like living dangerously.
We need a young priest and an old priest…and maybe some chocolate.
That’s a surprised look, and not a good one.
Too drunk or too crazy, just ‘too’ something.
There’s a story here, but do you need to hear it?
A few seconds later…
Ladies, ladies…ah hell with it, harpies…
If you can hork that down I’m not interested.
Yeah, that’s a straight-up porno…don’t ask me how I know that….
Yeah, that’s not creepy at all.
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
It’s weird, that’s the long and short of it. Here at Radass we’re going to give you the weirdness in a way that’ll make you laugh and think in different ways than normal. After all, normal is kind of boring sometimes, isn’t it?