From one generation to another, it’s a rite of passage.
You can’t help but cringe just a little bit at some of these, but it’s fair to say that we’ve all told our kids at least a variation of some of them. And in turn, we’ve heard a few from our own parents and elders as well. Hey, it goes around.
It’s ALL for their own good…. of course
Sometimes the lies are a bit dodgy and more than a little sketchy, but there are some that are told for their own good. That’s what we tell them, and ourselves, right?
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
We tell our kids lies sometimes because it’s more convenient than the truth, and because we don’t want to ruin a fantasy. But then there are times when it’s for safety, and times when a lie is told…well, just because we can. What’s been done to us is tough not to do to our kids, but when it’s harmless it’s kind of easy to keep up the trend.