When you need something to start your day with a smile we at Radass usually have something you can key up in order to turn that gentle grin into a face-splitting smile that will have you in a good mood no matter how your morning goes. Seriously, let’s get into this.
Don’t challenge a cat, really…just don’t do it.
Oh, those poor, poor people. A taco is a horrible thing to miss.
Yeah, it’s a little cringey, but if you can’t laugh at life then your head’s too far up your ass. Yeah, I said it.
And if you’re lucky, you’ll walk out with a full belly that makes you feel ill and satisfied all at the same time.
Woof, those are stalker eyes.
You don’t need money when you’ve got motivation.
When you burn as many calories as a ninja turtle, don’t worry about a slice.
That’s a serious case of trying to please everyone.
Wow, do you go petty and blast her or do you play the long game and then be petty when she becomes the cat lady?
That’s right, tell that joke while you can. When they can understand it, well…
Karma is just waiting to take a big red dump on this guy.
Some folks have seriously screwed up taste buds.
Yeah, when 5 minutes means a half hour.
Admit it, some of us have done this.
There’s just more of you to love, remember that.
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
Put simply, it’s Radass because a good meme can leave you laughing or nearly crying with a sore jaw since you end up laughing for a few minutes at a time. Even if your morning is going shitty, take a look at a few of these and you might find yourself feeling a little better.