Bon Ape Tit For Everyone!

This is going to be tough to get through…bear with me y’all.
And here we go…

Would ya? Would ya for free?

Hey, ho’s gotta make that money too. Wait, Ho Butter?

So…good ape tit? Man, that feels exotic for this type of restaurant.

Round two, oy.
Hey, score!

So…sex jokes are kind of fringe, but seriously, this would be one of the busiest stores around.

And thus begins the end of Burger King…

A comma can be your friend, especially in certain situations.

Round three, getting tougher, stay strong.

Damn right, it’s about time the food industry workers get recognized.

You feeling froggy?

Well, that got dark awfully quickly.

This is why we weep for the generation to come.
Round four, getting tougher.

So someone slips and something just happens to slip in again and again? Okay, that summons a bunch of images…yikes.

Oh, oh no.

Good lord, you can hear the southern jokes coming from a country mile away.

Well, it’s not entirely inaccurate.
Round five, holy hell we made it.

Yeah, use caution, some of those pedestrians aren’t in season.

Oh good lord, ‘Murica at work.
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
That was truly cringe-worthy, especially since it speaks to the lack of education in this country and those that appear to be proud of it. But despite how it sounds, the desire elitism isn’t there, it’s a desire for people to stop using phonetics and learn how the words are spelled.