All You Need To Know About Parenting Via Post-It Notes
The first time work-at-home dad Chris Illuminati was home alone with his son Evan, now almost 4, he wrote down everything he’d need to remember on one Post-it note as a joke: “Feed baby, change baby, don’t feed baby to the cat, etc.”
“I thought it would be funny to write wise-ass (can I say that?) things on them,” Chris explained via e-mail. And instead of just leaving them around the house, he started posting the Post-its on his Tumblr, Message With A Bottle.
Parents of the Internet agree: Yes, it is definitely funny. He now has many thousands of fans following along on Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more corners of the web.
Plus, the hilarious project has turned into a learning experience. “There are hundreds of thousands of parents out there just like me,” he says. “Parenting sucks a good majority of the time, but we all accept that fact, and move on with our lives. I’ve also learned NO MATTER WHAT I DO I’m screwing up my kid in some way. So I stopped trying to be perfect.”