If you watch one video a year make it this one. You will thanks us tomorrow.
We posted this video last year sometime but, it is so freakin funny it’s worth posting again! If you caught it the first time you already know it’s worth watching again, and again and even a 3rd time. If you missed it then this is your lucky day. We promise you will laugh your RADASS off!
Here is the background on the vid. An injured guy in the hospital, due to either medication or his injury, forgets he is married and begins flirting with the nurse, who in reality is his wife, shooting video of him coming to. He begins peppering her with compliments on how beautiful she is and then asks for her name. She replies my name is Candace, and I am your wife. His hilarious response is “Holy Shit! we’re married?” From there it just gets funnier and funnier.