Whenever I hear someone say they don’t like the summer, I’m honestly shocked. Jaw to the floor, wide eyed shock. What’s not to like about the summer? Sure, humidity can be a bitch and sunburns suck (especially if you have asshole friends that slap them) but the JOURNEY to this things is great! How’d you get the sunburn? Probably sunbathing on a beach or seeing Metallica at a kick ass music festival. Oh, the humidity is bad? Well you probably live next to a body of water that you can surf in. And if you look hard enough, you can probably find a nude beach around. I promise you, the summer doesn’t suck.
I live in NYC and here, summer is the best time of the year. Our winters are brutal and we barely have a fall & spring so we plead…we beg for the summer to get here. Nothing beats an Original Nathan’s Hot Dog & an ice cold beer while walking the Coney Island pier then pulling out a towel & sitting on the beach while waves crash up. We literally wait for that opportunity all year long.
Governor’s Ball is the premier music festival in NYC’s Governors Island every summer. So for a New Yorker to hear someone say they don’t like the warmest season of the year? Blasphemy! Alas, every year, August comes to an end and the summer fades away in the distance. We’ll notice the wind being just a bit too chilly for the beach sunbathing. The BBQ‘s still happen, those beers are just a bit more ice cold and that sun no longer coming down on your skin makes something feel amiss. And the tops aren’t as low cut anymore.
I really hate that part, honestly. What I’m trying to say is we’ll miss the summer! All of it! We’ll miss the ice cream hitting the spot and the rooftop outdoor movies! Okay, maybe we won’t miss the surprise heat waves and occasional swamp ass…but we’ll miss most of it!