It’s early, but it’s never TOO early.
You might not want to believe it, but some folks are planning their next Halloween costume roughly a year in advance and might even have an idea of what they want to dress up as for the next year before Halloween night ever comes around. Yeah, that sounds a little pathetic and can make a person think that the individual doesn’t really have much of a life, but at the same time it’s very real and some folks are fans of planning that far ahead. The upside is that some folks will change their mind or find a way to augment their outfit in a manner that’s bound to make it even better and perhaps even make it look as though they spent an insane amount of money on it when all they really did was refine their outfit over and over until it came out just the way they wanted it, hopefully. Kind of like cosplay, a lot of folks might be amazed at what can be done with simple tools and materials, and how far some individuals will go to have one of the best costumes on Halloween night. Yeah, it gets that serious with some people.
Some folks do like to keep it simple though, and in some cases, there are those who can do a lot more with very little. They either have more to work with in terms of raw materials, their appearance, and how it all comes together as a costume. A simple pair of ears, a mask, or anything simple enough to be deemed a part of a costume can be turned into enough if a person is creative and has the type of imagination that can make it come to life. Some people tend to feel that a costume is a costume and there’s no need to get as flashy and as in-depth as other people do, but the trick is to simply enjoy what you’re doing and enjoy the holiday. How great or how simple your costume is doesn’t really determine how good of a time you can have. It’s a holiday, have fun with it.
But since we’re focusing on women’s costumes and how impressive and absolutely sexy they can be, it’s fair to say that the more detail each lady puts in, the more people are going to notice. There are definitely favorites that people tend to lean toward since over the years it’s been kind of obvious that movies, TV, and personal interest are three of the biggest reasons why a person picks a costume and decides to make it as impressive as they can. But when women dress up in tight outfits that reveal as much as possible and leave just enough to the imagination to drive men wild, hell yes I’m for it, and I’m sure plenty of other guys are as well. It’s not all about ogling them all night and hoping that something slips or breaks on their costume, but there are plenty of guys who are praying for one stitch to break and create a tsunami of jiggling flesh that gives them a few new images for the spank bank.
Admit it guys, it’s true.
The tighter a costume is, the more ‘impressed’ guys tend to be.
Sexy is usually the order of the day when it comes to a woman’s Halloween costume, even if it’s not the only type of costume that the ladies prefer on this night. But a cheerleader outfit, hoo boy, that’s bound to get a lot of people excited, especially since these outfits usually involve short skirts and tight tops that are meant to drive men wild, no matter how many people say otherwise. But altering a cheerleader’s outfit for Halloween is even better since a cheerleader can be extremely versatile in their getup and doesn’t have to conform to any one theme since they can be a zombie, a vampire, a regular cheerleader, or any other type of theme that can allow them to rock the skirt and top. When it comes to outfits that can be used for Halloween, it’s fair to say that this is one of the easiest to come up with, and the easiest to alter.
Sexy is easy after all.
It’s easy to look good if you have the beauty and the body, but the costume can help a woman to accentuate her natural charms. As you can see, a maid’s costume can be shortened, tightened, and altered just enough to become truly impressive. Some might call it slutty, and some might call it daring, but at the very least, it’s the kind of outfit that would get a woman the attention she wants, and if a guy gets to go home with this type of woman, well, it would likely be a good night.
Heroes are always a fun choice.
Something tells me that these four ladies would be a little more limber than the original turtles, but with that thought in mind, they’re also a lot sexier. While this type of costume isn’t exactly the norm, it’s usually able to get a reaction since people happen to love the heroes that they grew up with, and emulating them on Halloween is bound to get people to smile and nod appreciatively. Of course, when they’re this sexy, they’re bound to get a lot more attention
It’s a night for all types of nightmares.
It’s hard to pinpoint when women started wearing horror monster costumes, but when they started making them sexy, it became much easier to appreciate them. So yes, they get done up in a number of ways to be impressive and they’re usually covered in fake blood and sometimes in the actual makeup, but holy hell, when one sees the figure of the woman that has the guts to wear these outfits. Hoo yeah, haunt my dreams, please.
Less is more, yeah?
Hey, if it happens in video games that female characters get more powerful when they’re wearing less, why can’t it be true in real life? I know, it’s a ridiculous fantasy, but it’s still fun to see on this night since the ladies that love to flaunt what they have and see it as a sense of empowerment are the types that a lot of guys love to appreciate in various ways.
It’s getting close enough to winter, right?
There’s nothing wrong with dressing up for one holiday and celebrating another, is there? Of course there isn’t. And may I say, thank goodness for that.
Angels don’t always have to wear white.
It’s fair to state that some costumes are seen as a bit fringe by those who are especially devout, but so long as the general feeling is that it’s a costume and not a statement, then so be it. This is a night when the veil between the land of the living and other realms is thinned for a night, yeah? Who’s to say that people aren’t inspired by things they’ve seen, read about, or believe in?
Different tweaks on old costumes are fun.
Maybe Supergirl would have lasted longer had this been one of the costume changes, or something like it, yeah? Okay, maybe it wouldn’t have helped, especially in this day and age, but when it comes to Halloween it’s definitely a look that gets plenty of appreciation.
Fan favorites are always going to be represented.
Cosplaying is like year-round Halloween for some folks, and one can bet that some of these folks break out some of their best gear when this holiday rolls around. It’s a sure bet that if they have kids that those youngsters might have some of the most impressive costumes in their neighborhood.
Animal costumes are always the rage.
See? Simple just works sometimes.
Yeah, you can make just about anything sexy.
Anyone up for a round of one on one? I know I am.
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
Hopefully, y’all already have an idea of what you want to do for Halloween this year when it comes to your costumes, but hey, it’s still early if you don’t. Dressing up is fun if you let it be, but it’s still fun if you decide to head out and take a look around to see how people get down on this holiday. Either join in the fun or just enjoy the sights that avail your gaze on All Hallows Eve, just so long as you remember to keep it respectful.