So You Know I’m Listening
Someone commented this week they’d like to see where these mouthwatering morsels come from. It’s hard to promise I can do that with all pics, but I’ll do my best and cite when I can. Keep in mind though I could use your help. When you see something15 that looks so damn good it belongs on Instagram or Facebook, be sure and send me the pic along with where you found the good grub. Oh, and I want to see your homemade masterpieces too. Submit via Twitter, Instagram, or directly through Radass and look for them on the next Saturday morning foodporn gallery.
“Pork Scallopini Eggs Bennie” at Franchetti’s in Santa Rosa, CA,
Peanut butter, bacon cheeseburger from The Malt Shop in Cedar Glen, Ca.
Quiche with Bacon, Tomato, and Onion – Homemade.
Rustic Roasted Chicken Halves.