I would ask who doesn’t love Oktoberfest, but that might cause an argument as to what people think Oktoberfest is all about and who throws the best festival. Here’s a hint, Americans aren’t the best at this, but we can still throw one hell of a good party. If you really want the genuine article though it’s best to head on over to Munich if you can get there, and knock back a brew or three while enjoying one of the biggest celebrations you might ever see at this time of year. Oh, and if you enjoy seeing the honey’s in their traditional garb, more power to you.
You can say one thing for this festival, those ladies that get into it definitely give a lot of guys a reason to drop a small fortune just getting there so they can drop the rest of their money on food and drink…especially the drink.
One thing about Oktoberfest is that you might need to train just a bit before hitting the tents with a beer in hand. No, you don’t need to train as they did in Beerfest, but if you’re a lightweight you’ll be on your lips very quickly.
Just remember if you ever make it over to Oktoberfest to the great food and beautiful ladies, be polite and represent your country in a positive manner. Otherwise have a blast and get snockered!