“What do you mean, learn another language? French? Chinese?! Heh, you think my face and mouth look like they can do that? No, dude.“ OK, some of you might seem a bit apprehensive while learning other foreign languages. Native English speakers (Americans, the Brits, and the Radasses from the land down under) are the spoiled ones since English is universally accepted and spoken pretty much everywhere. But, since you might get that extra advantage in your business if you speak German or Chinese – or if you just want to impress that hot French chick with smooth phrases – expanding that brainpower with an additional language is always a plus! But, how to study a language and not want to make you kill yourself? There are a few tricks, though, and here they are:
Use social media

We all know you are spending too much of your precious time on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc. So, what not use it for language-learning purposes? For example, if you like gaming channels or funny videos, why not check them out in your targeted language? Who knew the internet could be useful, huh?
Set your phone interface to foreign language
It will be a struggle in the beginning, but it’s one of the easy ways to incorporate your targeted language into your everyday life, especially if you don’t have the opportunity to use it on the daily. Just, PLEASE, don’t just start getting into Chinese and set the phone interface to that language. Or Japanese. Or Korean. You can do some serious damage to your phone that way. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Use fun learning apps/chatting apps
There is a variety of free-to-use apps online for learning and practicing languages, such as Duolingo (if you want to learn simpler phrases) or Chatterbug (if you are into real-time chatting with others and making friends).
Date with a foreigner of your targeted language

We’ve got you covered, bro. Do you see how our Radass team always wants you to get laid? Don’t think we ever forget about your needs. If you truly are a single Radass who is ready to mingle, try to do it in the foreign language you want to perfect. We can’t think of a more pleasant way to brush up on some native expressions than to get with some cutie. Use that Tinder for a good cause. Level up with your language skills and get lucky. We are rooting for you!
BUT: Don’t throw away your books just yet

We don’t want to spoil your fun, but yes, sometimes you will need good ol’ books to check up on some ground rules or practice some reading and writing, at least. Textbooks will come in handy, especially if you need to learn that foreign language for professional purposes.
You see? Studying a language doesn’t have to be such a drag! So, are there any ambitious rad people out there? What foreign languages do you think are popular these days? Sound off!
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
This is us looking out for you Radasser’s, and I’ll tell you what, being able to speak another language goes further than getting a date, getting laid, or just impressing someone. There are a lot of advantages to being able to speak another language or two. Of course, you’ll need to keep every language straight, since let me tell you, being cussed out in four different languages in a single conversation is confusing man.