Wearing face masks, loungewear, remote working – many things have become our new reality in 2020. What are the novelties that will stick? Let’s check.
The year 2020 – things got weird, right? We think so, too. If any year could teach us that life as we know it (and love) can be altered in a heartbeat, this would be the year. The weirdness, the fear, the anticipation, the boredom, the mental breakdowns – 2020 is all of that rolled into one.
But, what are the things we know will stay and that have already become the new normal?

Wearing face masks

2022 is around the corner, but the trends are here to stay for a while. Yes, more and more people will get vaccinated, but until the pandemic is under control, we will need to protect ourselves and the others around us. Guess the brands like Louis Vuitton and others are gonna profit from ridiculously expensive pieces of cloth for the face a bit longer.
Social distancing

Some cultures see this as a part of their regular lifestyle and don’t see handshaking, hugging, or kissing on the cheek as such a big deal anyway. However, many Western cultures found it pretty hard to adjust. Italians, are you with us on this one?
Remote work/ Work from home

We’d agree this is a big one. And there is a good reason we distinguish work from home and remote work in general. Yes, work from home is going to be much more frequent for a plethora of reasons – lower costs for companies, less commute time, etc. – but the remote work concept means one will be able to work from other locations, such as a coffee shop! Yup, 2020 was onto something, after all.
“Loungewear“ sales spiking

We love throwing around this fancy term even though it essentially means „pajamas.“ But yes, comfy house-appropriate clothes have become the most sold. Screw shoes, jeans, and shirts – hello sweatpants, fuzzy socks, tank tops, and oversized goodness!
City areas becoming overrated

Maybe, besides COVID-19, another word of 2020 should have been “practicality.“ Or “cost-effectiveness.“ With all the remote work, many people don’t feel the need to move to busy, urban areas. The population of some big cities is decreasing (a good example would be Detroit).
Online shopping

You all saw this one coming. All of us are guilty of it. Not only is it safe – it’s convenient and time-saving, too. Surely, the pandemic has cut the time of online shopping gaining popularity. What was predicted to happen over a course of a few years, during 2020 because of COVID-19, happened in a matter of months. Reportedly, most USA citizens (more than half) will likely continue this online-shopping trend, which shows this change is here to stay.
What do you think about some of these changes, RadFam? Which ones do you appreciate, and which ones do you want to go? Let’s have a chat.