Earning a big, fat paycheck is definitely sweet, there’s no denying that. Let’s check some of the highest-paying jobs in the US, and possibly in the world.
When choosing a career, we take many different things into account. Does it align with our passion? Is it challenging or exciting? How much can we earn? The last question is, definitely, not the least. When it comes to yearly salary, some jobs outshine others. Let’s check out the jobs with the highest pay as reported by U.S. News & World Report (source: https://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/rankings).
Medical Jobs Take The Cake
First, ten jobs on the list are the ones that can only be obtained with a degree in medicine – from an anesthesiologist, ranking #1 with a mean salary of $267,020 per year, through different surgeons, gynecologists, psychiatrists, or dentists (ranking #10 with a mean income of $175,840 per year). Not only do these professions take the top ten – they are scattered all throughout the top 25. All these jobs require a doctorate degree, therefore, it takes time (and money) to get educated well enough to become a doctor of any kind.
Petroleum Engineers & Lawyers Going Strong
Besides all the medical specialists, exploring and searching for oil and gas is quite a well-paid job (rank #12, mean salary $152,860 per year), and it requires a bachelor’s degree. Right after petroleum engineering comes law. Lawyers seem to never go out of style, earning big bucks. Studying tedious and boring law seems to pay off big time, anytime.
Business, Marketing & IT Always a Good Choice
In the areas of business and marketing, there are plenty of jobs to choose from, all very well paid – actuary, financial advisor, sales manager, or marketing manager. All of them earn more than $100,000 per year. One surprise on the list would be political scientists, also falling in the group of those earning six figures a year. Or, maybe, it isn’t such a surprise.
Do you find any of these professions inspiring and rad? We’d love to hear from you.
Everyone wants to get out and earn that coin, well, those that value the work that goes into it anyway. But hear me out on this one Radasser’s, there’s a big difference between finding a job that earns you a great living and one that makes you endure a life of misery to get it. Find a job that you enjoy, and one that can help you grow your finances as well as your sense of character.