There are moments when women get away with things that men simply can’t.
Seriously, there are at least 5 things women can get away with that men can’t, even if many would call this a myth. Let me be clear before we get into this, we here at Radass love and respect women. But there are moments in life, in various situations when it appears that women have an edge over men.
Granted, men have advantages that women don’t, but we’re not going to get into that. Plenty of articles have been published detailing this subject in several different ways. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions that exist that pigeonhole men and women and make blanket statements that aren’t always true. But there are moments when women gain a definite advantage over men, and we’ll explain just a few.
Demanding anything in life
Demanding anything in life: This can be just about anything, from demanding a pay raise to demanding that a man do something for her. The name “Karen” comes to mind, since like it or not, many people enjoy using this as a default when a woman becomes too pushy. Women might not like being called pushy, but the fact is that aggressive behavior is not appreciated in anyone, man or woman. But it’s way too common to see the difference between men and women when it comes to a demanding attitude. Women can get confrontational and even violent without the cops being called immediately. The moment a man raises his voice, phones are up, cameras are on, and the cops are on speed dial. That’s a bit of a generalization, but the fact is that ladies do get the benefit of the doubt far more often than men do.
Criminal acts
Criminal acts: Granted, a few of these list items flow into each other and become the same issue at some point. But in this instance, there are simply too many ways that women get away with criminal acts when men are locked up in record time by comparison. Women get taken to jail just like men at times, but it’s not nearly as consistent. For whatever reason (let’s not get into paranoia), ladies tend to get away with criminal acts that would land a man in jail for days to months, and sometimes years. It’s true, women have been and still are put in jail for their ill behavior. But taking a look at the facts, men are commonly sent to jail for their offenses, be it the first time or not.
Just about anything sexual
Just about anything sexual: This one gets a little thorny since reversing the roles when talking about groping, innuendo or anything that can be called offensive is commonly stated as a problem. For instance, if a woman gropes a man in public it’s often shrugged off or seen as affection, even if it’s unwanted. But if a man does this? Hoo boy, that guy is getting slapped, kicked, bit, and called a laundry list of names. This isn’t even to mention the fact that he’s probably going to be labeled as a predator, a creep, or anything it takes to make certain that people know he’s trouble. Do women deal with this? Has anyone ever heard of women being accused of grabbing a man in public? Seriously, it would be nice to know if this has happened.
Talking to random children
Talking to random children: How many guys can come up to a random child and start talking? It’s kind of creepy if a woman does this as well, but fewer folks are bound to bat an eye if a woman asks a random child on the street how they’re doing, what they’re doing, and to start a conversation with them. This sounds like a lot of bs, right? The unfortunate fact is that men have been looked at in a lot of different ways over the years, but the sad fact is that thanks to the overwhelming numbers of kidnappers and individuals who have harmed children being men, some folks think that males are hard to trust.
In some cases, the pundits are right since some guys just look intimidating. But thanks to the demonization of men that’s occurred in the media over the years, that feeling has only deepened. That’s tough to think about, especially because it is true in many ways. Women don’t tend to appear as imposing unless they actively try to do so, and even then, it’s likely that a woman could talk to a kid on the sidewalk without being thought of as a predator on the prowl.
Making false accusations
Most of these trends have been improving over the years. But thanks to stuff like MeToo and TimesUp, not to mention the endorsements of so many celebrities, the idea of #believeallwomen went a little overboard. In other words, women have the right to speak out about abuse and should do so without fear. But the downside of this comes when women feel the need to be petty or create an agenda against someone they don’t like. The percentage of cases in which this happens is thankfully low, but it’s still an issue since the likelihood of it happening is way too high.
Imagine being a guy and realizing that you didn’t satisfy your significant other, or that you messed up somehow on a date. It’s paranoid to think of such things all the time, but the fact is that we live in strange times and it’s not beyond the capability of women to accuse a man of everything from minor threats to full-on rape. The latter has happened enough to be noticed in the news, and while the matter needs to be investigated, the idea of believing all women ‘just because’ is ludicrous.
Here’s the unfortunate fact: when men accuse women of domestic violence or anything worse, they’re ridiculed and generally not believed. It’s too easy for women to claim abuse, rape, or a simple threat since without any type of video evidence or proof the decision made by the police will be to detain the man and believe the woman. It’d be nice to state that this is paranoia, but many men, and even plenty of women, would agree that it’s not.
Let’s keep it straight
Let’s be clear about this. At Radass we love women, we appreciate them, and we respect them. But with that in mind, there are difficulties in life that are easier for women than for men. On the flip side, women deal with a lot of issues that men don’t deal with that often, so it’s simple to say that both genders don’t fully understand what the other goes through. But in regards to this article, women do end up getting away with a lot more than men do in many ways. Is it right? Not really. Is it real? Yeah, it’s real.
WTR? (Why’s That Radass?)
It sounds a lot more confrontational than rad, doesn’t it? But the reason this is radass is that in this day and age, everyone needs to speak out on what they believe in. Men and women need each other no matter who wants to admit that or not. But the fact is that while society doesn’t always agree on who has it harder, the truth is that men have it harder than women at times, while women have it tougher than men at others. When all is said and done though, we’ve all got our issues to deal with. It’s how we deal with them that sets people apart.